About Us

We're a company you can trust



County Line Fitness was started based on the premise that anyone and everyone can choose their own path in life. Hi, my name is Heath Wilson and being personal trainer, to me, was a far fetched idea that I never thought could be a reality.

I had an amazing career going with FedEx throughout my late teens and early 20's. Then, all of the sudden, I hit a wall. Waking up every morning ready to go into work was getting less and less exciting each day. I was burnt out. I decided It was time for a change.

Fitness and Health had been a big part of my life all throughout my career at FedEx. Once I decided to make the leap and pursue what I was passionate about, the sky was the limit.

With the overwhelming support of my family, friends, and loving wife I have had the privilege of helping out so many clients reach their goals not only physically but mentally as well.

Seeing the success of my clients and just knowing that I was able to positively impact their lives is what keeps me striving to be the best trainer I can be.

My hope is that I get to be that motivator in your life and help you be the best you can be!

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